The Example and Strategy in Understanding the Procedural Knowledge of Mathematic Analysis 例谈促进数学分析中程序性知识理解的教学策略
According to present cognitive psychology, knowledge consists of three parts: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and strategical knowledge. 现代认知心理学理论把知识分为三类:陈述性知识、程序性知识和策略性知识。
Knowing how to implement those changes is procedural knowledge. 知道如何实现那些改变是程序性的知识。
Application of "Procedural Knowledge" in the Computer Teaching 程序性知识在计算机教学中的应用
Applied talents pay attention to execution and monitoring in problem solving, then procedural knowledge plays an important role in their professional knowledge structure; 本科应用型人才强调对问题解决的执行和监控,因此程序性知识在其专业知识结构中占主要地位;
The focus is on the correlation between reading and declarative knowledge as well as procedural knowledge. 其间主要论及两种不同的知识:陈述性知识和程序性知识。
The knowledge was divided into the declarative knowledge and the procedural knowledge in psychology. In this paper, the mathematical knowledge was divided into two kinds: the resultant knowledge and the processions knowledge. 现代心理学将知识分为陈述性知识和程序性知识2大类,根据数学知识的特征,我们将数学知识分为结果性知识和过程性知识2类,其中结果性知识包括陈述性知识和程序性知识。
A functional language system with embedded construction for representing procedural knowledge is designed and implemented. 文中设计一个嵌入式函数语言系统,此系统用于过程性知识表示。
Knowledge into two categories, including declarative and procedural knowledge, according to contemporary learning theory of information processing. 当代信息加工学习理论把人类的知识分成两类:陈述性知识和程序性知识。
Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge and Development of Students 'Abilities 程序性知识的获得与学生能力的发展
The common procedural knowledge determines property and speed of the language feeling. 一般程序性知识影响语感的性质和速度;
This study examines the relationship between learning strategies and procedural knowledge transfer. 本研究以学习者拥有领域知识的水平差异为基点,结合元认知监控手段,考察学习策略与程序性知识迁移之间的关系。
Procedural knowledge can be acquired by: ( 1) mastering declarative knowledge; 获得程序性知识的途径有三:通过获得陈述性知识掌握程序性知识;
Study and realization of procedural knowledge search in case-based product design system 基于案例的产品设计系统中程序型知识检索研究及实现
The language development consists of three stages: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and the restricting of procedural knowledge. 英语口语水平的发展经历三个阶段,即:陈述性知识阶段、程序性知识阶段及程序性知识的重构阶段。由陈述性知识转化到程序性知识的发展阶段是:认识、联想和自动。
The Research on Procedural Knowledge Based Design Problem Domain in the CBID System CBID系统中基于设计问题域的程序型知识检索研究与应用
The representation and storage mapping are used in functional language system with describing procedural knowledge. 这种表示与存储形式被用于一种描述过程性知识的函数式语言。
The explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and procedural knowledge consist of the knowledge community of the physical education curriculum. 体育课程知识由显性知识、缄默知识、程序性知识共同构成。
So far, most relevant researches have been carried out at technical schools when teaching procedural knowledge and skills. 目前,国内外的相关研究多用于技工学校的程序性知识和技能的教学实验中,而笔者地研究关注于基础教育。
Acquisition of procedural knowledge is an effective solution to the relationship between knowledge learning and ability development. 程序性知识的获得有效地解决了知识学习与能力培养之间的矛盾。
It is emphasized in the analysis of procedural knowledge and strategical knowledge teaching of handwriting, basic grammar, reading comprehensive and composition based on Chinese curriculum standard and junior high school Chinese teaching material. 同时结合语文课标要求与苏教版初中语文教材,重点探讨了书写书法、基本语法、阅读理解和作文教学的程序性知识和策略性知识的教学。
The procedural knowledge of The Meta-cognition Intervention Technique has played a positive role in communication anxiety. 元认知干预中的程序性知识环节对大学生交流恐惧的治疗起到了积极的作用。
Domain knowledge is an individual about a specific domain which is consisted of declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and conditional knowledge, which has positive function in cognitive activity. 领域知识是由个体关于某个特定领域的陈述性知识、程序性知识和条件性知识组成的所有知识,领域知识在个体的认知活动中具有积极的作用。
Then use the producing representation theory of procedural knowledge to expand the brand choice strategy. 然后,利用程序性知识的产生式表征理论对消费者品牌选择策略进行扩展。
Ability is not formed in a vacuum; it needs the appropriate knowledge, especially procedural knowledge to support. 能力不是凭空形成的,它需要适宜的知识,特别是程序性知识做支撑。
Knowledge of languages can be roughly divided into declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge and procedural knowledge in language courses too little. 语文知识大体可分为陈述性知识和程序性知识,语文课程中程序性知识太少。
They have some ideas of reading strategies mentioned in the questionnaire, but may lack the conditional and procedural knowledge of some strategies. 他们对问卷中所提到的策略都有一定的意识,但对于某些策略他们可能缺乏程序性知识和条件性知识。
Practice design based on procedural knowledge can improve learners language skills. 练习方面,要多设计以程序性知识为主的练习,提升学习者语言能力与练习的质量。
As knowledge to be learned at this stage is mainly procedural knowledge, the social-constructivism-based teaching model dominates. 发展阶段学习的知识主要为程序性知识,因此教学主要以基于社会建构主义的模式为主。
Then this study defined the concepts and proposed procedural knowledge of instructional game as the issue of proprietary terminology. 然后对本研究的相关概念进行了界定,提出了本课题的专有术语:程序性知识的教学游戏。